Custom Wraps

Make an Impact

The success of a business relies greatly on brand recognition, and vehicle wraps make that possible with just a small investment. With an effective custom vehicle wrap, thousands of people will recognize your business presence at a glance.

Exclusive Advertising Space


Make your message more memorable per impression. With a vehicle wrap, you won’t have to jockey for ad visibility.

Say No To Templates

Template-based wraps run the risk of being used by your competitors. Don’t be run of the mill – or worse, boring!

Be 10 Times Better

Get a customized wrap that looks better than a pricy paint job. When it comes to cost-effectiveness, nothing beats custom wraps.

Excellent Visibility Medium

Studies support that a vehicle wrap can generate 30,000 to 70,000 views per day. That is at the least 400,000 impressions per year!

Watch Us Make This Custom Train Wrap

This was a custom train wrap for our friends at Nickelodeon Studios





Get a Free Consultation 
Fill out our online appointment form or call 323-464-4990

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