Although our society has fully transitioned to a digital world, traditional means of advertising are still extremely effective. If you’re a business owner looking to market a new product or service or advertising to a new or existing audience, there are countless options to choose from.

While the digital route may be tempting, it’s important to explore a traditional option like car wrap advertising. That’s right, car wrap advertising. This means putting your company’s information on the side of your car to promote it while you’re driving. Here are three reasons why you should choose car wrap advertising before running social media ads.

1. Targeting the right audience

Social media advertising is cheap, but if you don’t know how to properly do it, you’ll waste hard-earned money. Also, hiring a professional will be pricy, too. So the last option is to do it yourself, but that comes with a lot of risks, the biggest being doing it incorrectly. This can lead to targeting the wrong audience. But with a car wrap, you’ll be driving your car around your neighborhood, as well as the neighborhood you’re operating your business in. This ensures you’re marketing directly to people who frequent your store or company.

2. Less competition and unlimited views

As everyone continues to flock to social media to advertise their business, competition has greatly increased. This means in order to properly advertise, you’ll have to spend more to outbid your competitors. Many social media ads have a limited number of views based on how much they cost. Once you’ve hit your views/budget, your ad stops running. However, with car wrap advertising, there’s no limit to your reach. As long as the car is driving around or parked in the street, you’re advertising to potential customers and clients.

3. Repetition is key to advertising

Not only are you constantly advertising to potential customers, but you’re also using repetitive advertising. This means you’re targeting customers over and over again. Even if people aren’t sold the first time they see your ad, they will continue to see it. This puts your brand in their mind, even if it’s in the subconscious. The next time they need the service or product you provide, they’ll remember the times they saw your ad.

Car wrap advertising is a booming industry that every small business owner should consider when growing and expanding their company. Our experts at Car Wrap can help you create the perfect car wrap that fits your brand and conveys your message. For more information, visit