If you own a business, there’s a good chance that you use car wraps to promote your brand. Therefore, it’s important to know how to avoid some of the most common car wrap marketing mistakes, such as these:
1. Not using the right color scheme for your car wraps
You need to get the attention of potential customers, and the color scheme of your car wraps can do just that. In most cases, it’s best to choose bright colors for your vehicle. Furthermore, it’s important to create a strong contrast between your logo and the background of your car wrap, which will make your branding more visible.
White is an excellent choice for your car wrap’s background. Bright red, neon green, bright yellow, dark blue, and orange are usually good options for your logo and business name.
2. Choosing low-quality or poorly fitted car wraps
If your car wrap doesn’t fit properly, water could get underneath it, which could result in rusting. A low-quality wrap is not likely to last long, which means that you’ll need to replace it fairly quickly. This will make car wrap marketing more expensive for you, and poor quality wraps aren’t likely to catch the eye of potential customers.
3. Not driving through the right areas
In order to make car wrap marketing effective, you need to travel through and/or park in the right areas. Good spots will include downtown areas, shopping centers and busy thoroughfares. Avoid driving through rural areas or quiet residential neighborhoods.
It’s best to go out on weekends and during early evening hours while it’s still light out because more people are likely to be around.
We’ll help you create the right car wraps for your company vehicles
We have years of experience in the car wrap marketing industry, and this means that we’ll be able to help you pick the right color patterns for your wrap, ensure that it’s properly fitted, and more. So, give us a call or contact us online today!