Everyone wants their vehicle graphics to look great, but not everyone is familiar with graphic design. The purpose of a vehicle graphic is to get noticed and to advertise your business. However, many vehicle graphics are going unnoticed because they have weak branding or are a poor fit for the car or truck.

Avoid these 5 common vehicle graphic mistakes and you will be well on your way to creating an effective advertising tool that will increase brand awareness for your business.

1. Choosing a font that’s difficult to read

Keep in mind that you want your message to reach as many people as possible and be understood by them once they’re within your target market. If they can’t read it, they’ll be of no help to you in helping your company grow.

The best route to take is to select a font that is easy to read from a distance, such as block-style lettering similar to what is used on signage for the highway. It’s also important that you don’t select a font that is too small for people to see easily and clearly.

2. Using too much text

Using too much text is another common mistake. Whereas it’s important to have your company name and phone number, you don’t want to overwhelm your audience with information.

Because there are so many distractions on the road, especially in high-traffic areas like cities, you want your design to be able to be perceived within about three seconds of seeing it. That’s why it’s best to keep things simple and include a simple message or logo that’s easy for the customer to understand.

3. Overuse of graphics

Some people think that bigger is better, but when it comes to vehicle graphics, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Graphics should be used as a tool to highlight important details and add visual interest, not overwhelm the viewer with too much information.

You want to get your message across, but don’t go overboard. Covering your entire vehicle with graphics is overkill, and it just makes you look like a desperate salesman. If the purpose of your vehicle graphics is to make people remember you, then too much information will just have the opposite effect.

4. Bad placement

Where you place your graphics depends on what type of vehicle you have. For example, if you have a large box truck or van, it can be covered in graphics from top to bottom with no issues. Smaller vehicles such as cars and sedans should only have graphics on the back windows or tailgate in order to maintain visibility for other drivers on the road.

You may also opt to keep the vehicle make and model visible for branding purposes, especially if the vehicle is being used for business purposes.

5. No call-to-action

A call-to-action is a necessary component of any marketing initiative, and vehicle graphics are no different. A call-to-action connects an advertisement to some sort of response. ‘Call now’, ‘Learn more’, or ‘Visit our website’ are all examples of calls-to-action.

Asking for a response from the reader encourages them to take action and become a lead for your business. In regards to vehicle graphics, a call-to-action in the form of your contact information should always be present. Without a call-to-action, there is no point in having graphics on your vehicles at all!

Reach out to us for new vehicle graphics

When you work with Carwraps.com, you are working with a team of highly motivated marketing professionals who understand the importance of quality design, on-time delivery, and cost containment. Contact our professionals and let us transform your vehicle into a rolling advertisement!