A car wrap makes for great mobile advertising, allowing you to deliver a message on the road or with a well-parked vehicle. To make sure you’re making the most of the opportunity offered by this form of advertising, however, you need to take a moment and think about the unique challenges offered — and the best solutions to overcome them with style.
1) The hook
First and foremost, you need to get eyes on the wrap. That might mean a great big eye-grabbing headline, an intriguing and colorful design, or a big bold graphic. Make sure your hook is on point and leads directly to something else useful, however — you don’t want your wrap to be a one-and-done, no matter how good the ‘one’ may be.
2) Time to view
Two things you should keep in mind at every stage: how much time people will have to see your advertisement, and how long it will take to see everything you’ve come up with. It’s OK to have a design someone can’t take in all at once if you’re parking somewhere and they’ll get a few chances to see it. It’s not OK if you’re aiming to grab eyes as you drive.
3) Effective distance
The smaller the text and graphics, the fewer people that will be able to read and see those things at a given distance. Strike a balance between big and visible and volume of text, or you’ll end up with a wall of information no one could possibly see.
4) Audience
Remember who you’re trying to attract with your advertising. It’s not enough to be shocking and attention-grabbing, if you’re not grabbing the right people. Build your hook, your design, and your call to action around the sort of people you want paying attention, not any random person on the street.
5) Goals
Always keep the end goal in mind when crafting a car wrap or any other advertisement. That means you need to include a call to action with plenty of visibility and value. Don’t make an interesting ad that doesn’t generate any profit — it might help your brand, but that’s not all it should do.