From misinformation, through misunderstandings, to urban myths, we all know how easy it is to believe as truth what we hear or are told. Yet, how often is that information incomplete or simply wrong? This is true in our vehicle wraps business as much as in any other place; so here are four examples of ‘accidental myths’ we have heard from our customers…
Car wraps and the sun
Potential customers ask us how quickly the graphics in their wraps would fade in the strong Los Angeles area sunshine. It’s certainly true that this can be an effect, over a period of time, of ongoing exposure to UV rays. However, we always overlay our vehicle graphics with a superb laminate film. This actually offers dual protection, first from the sun’s rays and also from those annoying, accidental abrasions which could otherwise damage the graphic image itself.
Car wraps and the windows
We often meet an assumption that it’s impossible, or at least very difficult, to effectively see out of car-wrapped windows. Luckily, we use perforated film in such cases; tiny holes in the vinyl make visibility pretty much the same as you would expect with a standard glass tint.
Car wraps and damage
Another thought we often hear is that customers are wary of using car wraps because the slightest bit of damage means the entire wrap would have to be replaced. Assuming that the damage is limited to a specific area of your vehicle, then only those damaged panels would need to be replaced.
Car wraps and leased vehicles
We know that vehicle leasing is a highly popular and cost effective choice for businesses for all sizes. It’s pretty obvious that anyone completing a repaint job on such a vehicle is likely to have invalidated the warranty. However, most lease agreements and warranties remain fully valid if the car is wrapped; our experienced team will always work with you to help you to confirm that this is the case with your vehicle.
Any other ways we can surprise and delight you?
If you have any other questions to ask, doubts in your mind, we always provide obligation-free advice before you make any vehicle wrap decisions. Please call us now on 323-464-4990 to find out more