Although vehicle graphics tend to last a while, they can eventually peel or fade away. The average vehicle wrap will last for about five years, but some graphics can last up to ten years. The longevity of vehicle graphics depends on the quality of the adhesive and the vehicle they are applied to.

However, there are many ways to keep a graphic looking fresh, including using a professional service to clean the graphic and applying a temporary fix.

When should I use professional services to clean my graphics?

When using a professional service, it is important to ask how long the company has been in business. It is also recommended to inquire about the company’s cleaning methods. A reputable company will use environmentally friendly products. Additionally, a professional service will have extensive experience cleaning vehicle graphics.

How can I keep my vehicle graphics looking fresh?

There are several ways to keep graphics looking fresh:

Make sure that the graphic is cleaned properly, especially if it has been exposed to heat or sunlight. If there is mud or dirt on the graphic, use a soft, non-abrasive cleaner, and a soft-bristled brush. If a vehicle graphic is peeling, a professional service may be able to remove the adhesive without damaging the graphic.

The less time a vehicle graphic is exposed to the sun, the less likely it is to fade. Also, the cleaner a vehicle graphic is, the longer it will last. Dirt and grime can diminish the appearance of a graphic. Dirt can also cause the adhesive surface to become brittle and crack, resulting in severe damage to your vehicle graphics.

Also, avoid using pressure washers on your wrapped cars at all costs. The extreme pressure can cause your wraps to peel, fade, or crack.

A temporary fix can help a graphic stay looking crisp for longer. A graphics company can apply a temporary decal, paint over the graphic, or apply an overlay. However, if a vehicle wrap is extremely dirty or damaged, a temporary fix might not be an option.

Contact us

At, we make sure your vehicle wraps look great by creating images that drive your message and reflect your brand’s personality. By combining creativity, ingenuity, and a keen eye for detail, we can transform your vehicle into a masterpiece. Contact us for professional vehicle graphic services today!