You may have heard of a “call to action,” otherwise known as a CTA. When developing the marketing strategy for your business, it’s a term often used in reference to action language in your advertising that motivates action from the person viewing your ad. Developing great CTAs is not only important for your traditional and digital marketing, it’s also great for your mobile marketing as well – including your vinyl car wrap.

Understanding your target customer

In order to develop a motivating CTA, you’ll want to first understand the wants, needs and motivations of your target customer. You’ll also want to think about where your customers may be when viewing your vinyl wrap advertisement. What motivates them while they’re looking up a service online may be different from when they’re driving down the street on their way to work. Depending on where they are in the buyer’s journey, and whether or not they have an immediate need for your service, your CTA may or may not result in immediate motivation. So what do you do?

Be memorable

The language you use on your vehicle wrap, as well as the look and feel of the wrap itself, should be memorable for everyone seeing it. This applies specifically to your CTA. Think about it – how many times during the day do you see a piece of advertising that’s telling you to call now, or visit today? Half the time, it’s all just background noise. Although these are important things to tell people, you should do it in a way that’s catchy, creative and memorable. This will ensure that when the need for your particular service arises, you will be top of mind.

Add urgency and solve a problem

Do you offer same day delivery? Do you only offer a special on one day of the week? Whatever your unique position in the market is, it should be expressed in a creative way on your vehicle wrap. Creating a sense of urgency on your vehicle wrap will also motivate viewers of the ad to perform the action you’re requesting sooner rather than later. This will ensure you’ll also get some immediate return on investment from your vehicle wrap.

Once you’ve developed your call to action language, our vehicle graphics will take you the rest of the way. Contact Carwraps in Los Angeles today!