If you asked many people if they want to be a millionaire, you would be hard pressed to find a person who would say ‘no’. If you asked them what they would do with the money, they would have wide ranging responses from the altruistic, to self-serving. Now, if you asked these same people what their plan is to become a millionaire, you largely would find they do not have one. Those winning the lottery are few and far between and as evidenced over time, those who are gifted with large sums of money with no knowledge of how to handle it, tend to end up back in the position they were when they received the money. So what does becoming a millionaire have to do with car wrapping?
Well, to be a millionaire or just more comfortable than you are now, you have to realize you can’t be everywhere and do everything. Millionaires have at least 7 streams of revenue. The best kind of revenue is passive, meaning it is automated and doesn’t require active effort. Examples of this are investments, interest bearing savings accounts or in this instance, car wrapping! Car wrapping is the process of allowing a business to use your vehicle as rented advertisement space to promote their brand or products.
Detractors of this sort of marketing manoeuvre liken it to selling your soul to a company to become a walking billboard. You become an intrusive annoyance to people who are already over advertised to on a daily basis. This is an extremist view that becomes more hypocritical the more you unpack it. Let’s entertain for a moment that you choose not to wrap your vehicle for these reasons. Well, take it all the way through in your life. Don’t wear any workout clothing from Under Armour, Nike or Adidas. Don’t put on that rain resistant jacket from North Face and definitely don’t buy any shoes with logos on them, because you will not be used as a walking billboard! Now do you see the problem with that line of thinking?
Car wrap advertising is a unique approach to getting a company’s message to consumers. Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t invasive at all. It’s simply your car on the road (which is a walking advertisement anyway due to the manufacturer’s logo being on it) that happens to have an advertisement on it. There are many companies that will pay you to be their advertiser for nothing more than driving to places you already do! This is the definition of passive income, you are doing nothing and money is coming to you! Whether the company would like you to use car wraps, van wraps, truck wraps, fleet wraps, bus wraps or any variation, you do yourself a disservice by not participating in this marketing effort that will make YOU money.
If you would like to learn more about car wraps and the opportunities that come with them, give us a call today and we’ll be glad to answer any questions you might have.