Many companies lease or borrow vehicles for short periods of time to advertise for specific events. If you are thinking of doing this, you might want to consider whether car wraps are the best way for you to advertise both your business and your event.

In short, the answer is yes, you should use vehicle graphics for short-term fleets and company vehicles. Let’s take a look at the reasons why.

Fleet Wraps Pay for Themselves

According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, car wraps are the most inexpensive advertising option when comparing the CPM, or cost-per-thousand impressions of any advertising option. While vehicle graphics cost an average of $0.77 CPM, other advertising options are much more expensive. A prime-time TV ad costs approximately $17.78 CPM, a color, full-page ad in a magazine costs about $9.35 CPM. Even the cost of a billboard ad averages out to $2.18 CPM.

Fleet wraps are the best way to spend an advertising budget because it is so cost-effective.

Vehicle Graphics Can be Removed

If you’re leasing vehicles for a short period of time, it’s important to think about what you’ll do when your lease is up. Fortunately, car wraps can be easily removed. Our high-quality wraps are designed to come off quickly with no residue. In order to get the best results, it’s essential that the removal process is done by a professional to avoid costly mistakes.

Using a Partial Instead of a Full Wrap

If you’re leasing a vehicle for six months or even a year, a full wrap may not be necessary to get your advertising message across. For short-term advertising, you might want to consider partial wraps instead. These can be just as effective on short-term fleets and can be cost-effective. In addition, they are easy and fast for a professional to install.

If you’re searching for a temporary way to advertise on your short-term fleet, consider car wraps. These wraps can be removed or even changed by one of our professionals once your lease is up. They are also designed to not harm or leave residue on the car during the removal process.